Monday, November 19, 2007

Episode 8- Living Room Window Treatment

Nessa and Derek have a wonderful large window in their living room- as a unique treatment for privacy and decor, here is how to create your own decorative window screen:

1) Find a frame- I again used a window that came from the extension on the back of the house. A wood frame such as one used for an artist canvas or a picture frame could also work!

2) Play designer! Play around with shapes, patterns, words- using adhesive paper (purchased from DeSerres art supply store for $24.99 for a large roll) cut out your desired shapes.

3) Place the adhesive shapes on a piece of vellum paper. Vellum is a specialty paper that is transulscent (ie. allows light to shine through) and the opaque pieces of sticker will block the light allowing for interesting patterns to shine through.

4) Staple the paper (carefully!) to the backside of your frame. Tip: try your best to keep the staples neat as you'll be able to see them on the other side of the window! (Alternatively, you could trip out the edges in a ribbon or paper trim).

5) Hang the frame. We used chain and eye hooks to allow the treatment to hang in the middle of the window!



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